Phuket Sandbox System

Frontend website and Application development for Phuket Sandbox System. Due to COVID-19 pandemic, hotel owners and many companies in travel industry in Phuket suffered from no-tourist crisis. To help them, we need to encourage foreigners to travel in Phuket while also make sure that they will only stay in Phuket and follow the quarantine policy.

Built with


Flutter is an open-source UI software development kit created by Google. It is used to develop cross platform applications from a single codebase for any web browser, Fuchsia, Android, iOS, Linux, macOS, and Windows.


Node.js is a cross-platform, open-source server environment that can run on Windows, Linux, Unix, macOS, and more. Node.js is a back-end JavaScript runtime environment, runs on the V8 JavaScript Engine, and executes JavaScript code outside a web browser.

AWS - Amazon web services

Amazon Web Services, Inc. is a subsidiary of Amazon that provides on-demand cloud computing platforms and APIs to individuals, companies, and governments, on a metered, pay-as-you-go basis. Oftentimes, clients will use this in combination with autoscaling.


Figma is a collaborative web application for interface design, with additional offline features enabled by desktop applications for macOS and Windows.


ReactJs is front-end JavaScript library for building user interfaces based on components. 


Kubernetes is an open-source container orchestration system for automating software deployment, scaling, and management.


Frontend website and Application development for Phuket Sandbox System. Due to COVID-19 pandemic, hotel owners and many companies in travel industry in Phuket suffered from no-tourist crisis. To help them, we need to encourage foreigners to travel in Phuket while also make sure that they will only stay in Phuket and follow the quarantine policy. Our responsibilities are Setting up Application development, UI/UX, and CI/CD.


Tourist Scanning System

To make sure that tourists stay only in Phuket area and follow the quarantine policy, users need to enter their health status every time when they go outside and get back to the hotel.


OTP Login for Staff

All of the staff can to login to the system(Website,Application) by using otp.


Morchana QR Color Changing

If user already following the 14 days quarantine policy the qr code in side Morchana application will change from yellow to green.


Tourist Onboarding website

After tourist landing at the airport they have to input theirs information. To make input process more comfortable , they can simply enter their passport and we will auto fill the required information. We get Tourlist information by connectting with Shaba organization via the api.

Til it's done