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Build a RESTful API with Koa.js: Complete Guide
Perfect for Node.js developers looking to build scalable APIs.

How to Build a RESTful API with Koa.js
Building APIs has become an essential skill for modern web developers. While Express.js remains popular, Koa.js offers a more lightweight and modern approach to building Node.js applications. In this guide, we’ll explore how to create a RESTful API using Koa.js from the ground up.
Setting Up Your Project
First, let’s create a new project and install the necessary dependencies:
mkdir koa-rest-apicd koa-rest-apinpm init -ynpm install koa @koa/router koa-bodyparser
Creating the Basic Server
Let’s start with a simple server setup:
const Koa = require('koa');const Router = require('@koa/router');const bodyParser = require('koa-bodyparser');
const app = new Koa();const router = new Router();
// Basic error handlingapp.use(async (ctx, next) => { try { await next(); } catch (err) { ctx.status = err.status || 500; ctx.body = { error: err.message }; }});
app.listen(3000, () => { console.log('Server running on http://localhost:3000');});
Implementing CRUD Operations
Here’s how to implement basic CRUD operations for a resource (let’s say, for books):
// In-memory storage for demonstrationlet books = [];
// GET all booksrouter.get('/books', ctx => { ctx.body = books;});
// GET single bookrouter.get('/books/:id', ctx => { const book = books.find(b => b.id === parseInt(ctx.params.id)); if (book) { ctx.body = book; } else { ctx.status = 404; ctx.body = { error: 'Book not found' }; }});
// POST new bookrouter.post('/books', ctx => { const book = { id: books.length + 1, ...ctx.request.body }; books.push(book); ctx.status = 201; ctx.body = book;});
// PUT update bookrouter.put('/books/:id', ctx => { const index = books.findIndex(b => b.id === parseInt(ctx.params.id)); if (index >= 0) { books[index] = { ...books[index], ...ctx.request.body }; ctx.body = books[index]; } else { ctx.status = 404; ctx.body = { error: 'Book not found' }; }});
// DELETE bookrouter.delete('/books/:id', ctx => { const index = books.findIndex(b => b.id === parseInt(ctx.params.id)); if (index >= 0) { books.splice(index, 1); ctx.status = 204; } else { ctx.status = 404; ctx.body = { error: 'Book not found' }; }});
Adding Middleware for Authentication
Security is crucial for APIs. Here’s a simple authentication middleware:
const authMiddleware = async (ctx, next) => { const token = ctx.headers.authorization; if (!token || token !== 'your-secret-token') { ctx.status = 401; ctx.body = { error: 'Unauthorized' }; return; } await next();};
// Apply to specific routesrouter.use('/books', authMiddleware);
Testing Your API
You can test your API using tools like Postman or curl. Here’s a quick curl example:
# Get all bookscurl http://localhost:3000/books
# Create a new bookcurl -X POST http://localhost:3000/books \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d '{"title": "The Great Gatsby", "author": "F. Scott Fitzgerald"}'
Best Practices
- Always validate input data
- Use appropriate HTTP status codes
- Implement rate limiting for production
- Add comprehensive error handling
- Document your API endpoints
- Use environment variables for configuration
Koa.js provides a modern and elegant way to build RESTful APIs. Its middleware stack and async/await support make it a powerful choice for Node.js developers. As you continue building your API, remember to implement proper security measures and follow REST best practices.

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